August 2010

  • New custom form field - "Receipt with personalized message"


    Gives site members the ability to add a receipt field to any custom form.  The field requests that the user filling out the form enter his/her name and email address (name and email fields conveniently auto-populate for logged in site members).  After the form is submitted, the user will receive a confirmation email.  The email will also contain a message that the form creator has the ability to customize.



    New custom form field - "Page break"

    Give site members the ability to create multiple page forms.  This feature is applicable in many ways, including: surveys, cleaning up long forms, online quizzes, and more.


    "Download" button added to files and photos

    Gives site members a more intuitive means to download files and photos from the website.  Previously, users had to click on the link to download.



    Additional member search filter - "City"

    Gives site members the ability to search for other members by City.



    Ability for users to input multiple email addresses

    Gives site members the ability to enter multiple email addresses in the contact information section of their website profile.  Previously, members could only have one email address on file in their profile.